Friday, June 20, 2008

Self confidence

What Is Self-confidence?

Self-confidence is the belief that you can handle a certain situation correctly. Self-confidence is knowing that you don't lack any of the necessary skills in order to successfully complete a task. This task could vary from a social activity like being able to approach someone you don't know, to a professional activity like the ability to complete a certain task that your work or your business needs.

Where Does Self-confidence Come From?

Without confidence you will surely miss a lot of available opportunities because you will be afraid to take the risk of trying something that you aren't sure you can handle. The following are some facts about self-confidence:

  • Self confidence is never inherited, it's learned. The belief that you lack the genes or something like that is just a popular myth.
  • Self confidence is not general, instead you have different confidence levels for all the different activities you do. For example, you may be confident about your ability to drive a car but at the same time dread public speaking.
  • Self confidence is not constant with time; it may change to the better or worse due to new events happening in your life.
  • Self confidence may be independent of external factors, like being rich or having someone who loves you back.

What Can I Do to Build My Self-confidence?

You could be more confident through the total elimination of dependency upon others' judgment. This is because if you don't really have a solid knowledge of your abilities and of who you are, you will most likely be depending on others to tell you who you are and to define your abilities and limitations for you. If they were satisfied by your actions, then they may tell you that you are a good person; if not, they may label you a fool, an idiot or anything else that suits their own point of view. You will of course welcome these labels and add them to your idea about yourself because you've left the judgment to them from the beginning.

So lets build our self confidence


Keshi said...

Somehow I think Self-confidence is partly genetic too. Cos there r some ppl who cant 'learn' it no matter what.


surjit singh said...

I agree with you Anits, that self confidence is not inherited but is acquired with your will power and awareness of the situations one passes through.
A wonderul post.Thanks for sharing.
God bless.
*Pl. inform me about Sam Chan.Has he left blogging for good?I hope everything is fine with him.

anits said...

@ hi surjit..Mr Sam Chan is quite busy right now..otherwise he is ok..He would be very happy that you asked about him.
Thank you surjit..god bless

@ hi keshi..thx hun! hv a nice day

Subash Chandrabose said...

nice blog lah..

Anonymous said...

Kým kríza pokračuje, aby sme sa cítili jeho škodlivé účinky slovakka ekonomiky, spoločnosti aj naďalej verí v reklame ee investovať do reklamy, a to najmä, že z Family G Medzi rôzne formy reklamy k dispozícii, priame reakcie na trh je čoraz viac Rodina G ocenili, pretože umožňuje na obmedzenú dobu, niekedy len pár dní, merateľné výsledky a úplne spoľahlivé. Family G marketing priamej reakcie reklamy je vzorec prednostné malých a stredných podnikov, pretože talianske meranie všetkých údajov môže konať, že tam, kde nie Family G prestať investovať a páchanie ďalšej zisk rozpočtu, FamilyG kde je priestor pre úspech a vyššie zisky.

Z tohto pohľadu, nástroje par excellence Family G sprievodca je taktiež vzhľadom k veľmi podrobné údaje Family G môže urobiť rozhodnutia dôležité presunúť svoje marketingové z jednej strany na druhú a pozrieť sa na vplyvy a dôsledky (takmer okamžite) z Vaše rozhodnutie. Avšak, "squeeze" Family G na najvyššej úrovni, aby maximalizovali zisky, môže byť časovo náročné a nie je Family G toľko skúseností za sebou, prečo systém na prvý pohľad veľmi jednoduché, je vlastne štruktúrovaný so železnou logikou si uvedomiť, že každý zadávateľ reklamy by mal nasledovať.

Napokon, niektorí inzerenti, všeobecne Family G podnikavejší, uvedomí si nekonečný potenciál Family G. Chápu, že je prístroj riadi prísnymi pravidlami a je známy natoľko dobre, aby sa zisková ich kampaní a využiť tohto nástroja 100%.